Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Great Divide

We visited another ward in Tshwane today.  What continues to amaze us is that there are places in Tshwane which could be an affluent area in the US or any European city - gated housing communities with lavish homes, plush gardens, Audis in the driveway and people walking their dogs.  The only realty check is that even these houses have electric fences all around since theft and crime in general are so high.

Then, within minutes you will be in another informal settlement.  We spent some time in Plastic View which has thousands of people.  The area gets it's name because plastic bin bags were used to build the makeshift homes.  Here, residents have to get water from a bulk tank.  As soon as the residents see a water truck coming to fill up the tank, they rush to get some before it runs out.  It was disheartening to see kids having to lug around these large water jugs back and forth to their shacks - made even tougher because of the hilly landscape.  Some were even drinking water on the ground through straws.

Despite the challenges, they were so warm in welcoming us.  They sang for us and were so amused with seeing pictures of themselves on Joanne's camera.  And when it was time to go, the kids ran up to Dale and Boyd to hold hands and walk them out.  Just so sweet.


1 comment:

  1. The challenges seem so much larger than the answers. Where to begin? Each problem has it's basis in another problem that seems to be solved. Solving big problems can be done little by little? I look forward to hearing more of your experience.
