Thursday, October 25, 2012

And so it ends...

It's hard to believe we have finished our journey in Tshwane.  We reviewed our recommendations with the Executive Mayor on how to improve the overall water situation.  Although the metro has done so much until now and should be commended for it, they have a chapter of transformation ahead of them to ensure all residents have water and sanitation services in a cost effective manor and water loss is significantly reduced.  At a high level we suggested:

1.  Focus on the people and community:  Ensure appropriate water access for all residents and establish community awareness programs, especially in the informal settlements.  The residents need to understand the scarcity of water in the region and how they can each do their part to conserve water or report leaks
2.  Create strong linkages between water, energy, housing, health, transportation, the private sector:  They are so closely tied and to make long term improvements, everyone must be moving in the same direction
3.  Leverage real time water analytics to assist in their decision making as they continue to update their aging infrastructure.  Turning their data into insight and intelligence will be a key element for them

I have no doubt that with the passion and leadership of the many people we have met, Tshwane will continue to make significant progress on their journey to become a Smarter City and set the example for many other African metros.  Joanne and I had a chance to make another trip to Mamelodi and Plastic View today.  It was great to see the kids again one last time.  In some ways, there is no other way I would have wanted to spend our final day.  This has been an experience of a lifetime - we have learned so much about the water issues effecting Africa, the overall challenges of an emerging region and especially about the warmth and hospitality of the people of Tshwane.

For all the IBMers out there, if you have ever thought about applying for the Corporate Service Corps program, DO IT!  And for everyone else just following along, thanks for your interest and support.

All my best,



  1. So proud of you and so happy I could use the blog to follow along on your journey. - Michelle

  2. Thanks for sharing the blog! You and the team had wonderfully unique experiences which I am sure you will carry with you. Not to mention, there is hope that because of your time and effort, positive change may be enacted that will change lives!
